About Ruth Ann Dailey

Ruth Ann DaileyOne of my fondest memories, from middle school onward, is of solving crossword puzzles with my dad.

After helping Mom clear the dinner table, I’d find him in the living room, in his easy chair, with Kansas City Star and pen in hand. I’d drape myself over the arm of his chair and pitch in, providing the pop culture stuff to supplement his mastery of everything else. I’ve always been pretty hopeless at sports — my spirit is willing, but my flesh is weak and uncoordinated — so it was wonderful to discover something I could do with my dad and not stink at! I’ve loved crossword puzzles ever since.

I launched the Pittsburgh Puzzler in the Post-Gazette in 2005, out of enthusiasm and massive ignorance. The idea sprang from a New York Times puzzle celebrating the tricentennial of St. Petersburg, Russia. “Someone should do a puzzle celebrating Pittsburgh,” I thought — which quickly became, “I will do a puzzle celebrating Pittsburgh!”

The first one, “Pittsburgh Is,” was such a hit that the editor wanted more. We agreed to alternate weeks, a pace I was totally unready for; but gracious editors and readers have allowed me to learn on the job, and after a few years, I expanded the puzzle’s topical scope beyond our city.

That’s how the Americana Crossword came to be.

I hope you’ll enjoy my fond take on our nation’s history, beauty, oddities, colorful characters, foibles and achievements. 

Let’s celebrate us!